
I'm so excited - my first blog!

If you could see me now! I'm practically hopping in my squeeky computer seat. I'm quite an excitable person though really and when a lovely young girl called Nicola advised me to get a blog last night after church I just couldn't contain my excitement. Poor thing, she didn't know quite what to make of a nearly middle-aged-mother jumping up and down in front of her, still she was polite and interested and most of all encouraging. Thanks Nicola! I became bouncy for two reasons, firstly because of a lack of computer literacy I was mostly unaware of this 'blogging lark' and I'm always excited to learn something new. Secondly, because I've wanted to write for women for a while and not only did she take my idea seriously (there were no audiable snorts or supressed giggles) but the lovely girl gave me lots of ideas of how to make my dream a reality, VERY exciting. This is stage one, writing a blog. Now all I need is someone to read it! Maybe Nicola will.

Excitement is a great thing. You can get excited about all sorts of things, Wimbledon seems to be exciting a lot of people at the moment. I've got a friend who's rather excited about a replacement for washing detergent, a product called eco-balls. Me, I can get excited about plenty of things; chocolate,a night out without the children, any girly film you care to name, a freebie - irrespective of it's use or value, a sale bargain, a new book. Excitement is one of those feelings that is also infectious, it seems to rub off other people straight onto me, so far I've escaped Wimbledon and eco-balls.

I've been reading a great book called 'The confident woman' by Joyce Meyer - a Christian writer who observes women to be 'feeling orientated' and I believe there's plenty of evidence to back that up, well there is in my house anyway. The point is that I've been excited about the same thing for an extremely long time, in fact for 15 years. Ordinary excitement doesn't last that long. In a couple of weeks after wimbledon's courts are treated and covered for another year and the pictures of the winners with their trophies are all in the recycling, that particular excitement will well and truely have passed. But I and lots of very wonderful people I know and millions like them have a source of constant excitement, the type that lasts. I'm talking about God of course. God and everything about him - His son, my saviour Jesus, the Bible, the fact that God's holy Spirit lives in me, I'm excited about worshipping God, talking with God, talking about God, singing to God and about God, working for God, what God has done, what God is doing. There is something to get excited about.

If this were natural it would have faded, but as it's source is supernatural it's a feeling I will never get tired of and will never want to exchange for another source of excitement. In fact as I've been reminded several times recently in fantastic sermons (though not exactly in these words!) excitement about God will satisfy me through my life and see me into eternity. I'm excited about that too, because there I'll be totally satisfied - not just excited about God but WITH him.

I'm constantly being challenged to demonstrate this excitement more, especially to my friends who haven't yet considered God as exciting. I do pray that God will continue to excite me, I pray that this will be a feeling that obvious to others I spend time with and will spread and rub off me onto them. I hope those others get excited and are in eternity with me. I hope I've excited you, with God. This very well know verse, the spark of my excitement those 15 years ago has many times excited me since because I know I'm included in the 'whoever': 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.' John 3:16

'excite (ek sit') To rouse, to stir into action, energy, or agitation;to stimulate, to bring into activity;to inflame the spirits of; to provoke, to bring about by stimulation;' The concise English dictionary

1 comment:

Becky said...

I think your excitement must be contagious cos I feel very excited having read this! Although maybe it's also because we've been reading Revelation in home group recently and it's been very inspiring and challenging...looking forward to visiting regularly - great idea x